Project Name: Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge Addition (Elisabeth Grasing Acquisition) Phase II
Sponsor: US Fish & Wildlife Service
Year: 2011
Grant Amount: $50,000
Total Project Cost: $6,586,000
Acreage: 1,490 acres
Project: The USFWS is purchasing this tract of land which is upstream of the Refuge and threatened by subdivision and second home development. This Phase comes with significant water rights and also is a major water recharge area for the Refuge lakes and wetlands..
Purpose: This project will provide access across private land to public lands; provide public recreational opportunities on private land; improve habitat effectiveness; protect migration corridors and winter range for moose, elk, sage grouse, and artic grayling; and improve water quality and riparian area health.
Directions: Located just upstream of the Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge in Centennial VAlley, Beaverhead County, Montana .
Restrictions: Visit their website for moreinformation: